“popcornflix” The Godfather Full Movie On Voot

ratings - 9,2 of 10
runtime - 2 Hours 55m
Vito Corleone is the aging don (head) of the Corleone Mafia Family. His youngest son Michael has returned from WWII just in time to see the wedding of Connie Corleone (Michael's sister) to Carlo Rizzi. All of Michael's family is involved with the Mafia, but Michael just wants to live a normal life. Drug dealer Virgil Sollozzo is looking for Mafia families to offer him protection in exchange for a profit of the drug money. He approaches Don Corleone about it, but, much against the advice of the Don's lawyer Tom Hagen, the Don is morally against the use of drugs, and turns down the offer. This does not please Sollozzo, who has the Don shot down by some of his hit men. The Don barely survives, which leads his son Michael to begin a violent mob war against Sollozzo and tears the Corleone family apart
Cast - Diane Keaton






The Movies Is a Masterpiece You Could Never Forget, Neither To Not to Be Impressed, The 1st Scene in The Godfather I Impressed Me, The Music Is Still Living With Me Until Today on Every Electronic Device, You Imagine The Family Is Dedicated to a Crime Syndications and Tycoons, But Its Totally About Family, Despite The Occupation of This Family,We'll Never Find a Family That Is Dedicated and Loyal to Each other Like that Family, Al Pacino Was The Reason For The Movie, With The Noble Reason for The Shifting of His Attitude...
I Have To Go To Work Now, I'll Finish The Other Part of the Comment Later...

I had heard a lot about this epic masterpiece for so many years and so I tried to get a DVD copy or catch a T.V premiere or any possible nally,the wait was to my surprise it was worth the wait

The movie is not your usual type of got brains,guts and glory all over performances are extraordinary from Marlon Brando and Al will have a great time watching this movie as every aspect of the movie is just perfect right from the acting department to the cinematography department.

I am very happy to have lived to this day to have watched the best cinematic experience ever. THE GODFATHER.

Epic in scope while maintaining a patience and intimacy characteristic of European art cinema, THE GODFATHER is rightly considered one of the greatest films ever made. The Godfather continues to influence producers of films, television shows, and video games more than 30 years after its release. Nino Rota's score, the sumptuous set design, and Brando's raspy pseudo-whisper have become part of our collective cultural memory.

The film possesses an operatic quality, yet it's more understated than it is flamboyant. It takes its subjects seriously, bestowing legitimacy upon the internecine power struggles of the Mafia normally reserved for classical themes in high art. The film's release initiated a period when American filmmakers dared to take themselves and their artistic ambitions seriously (perhaps too seriously. There is something deeply resonant in the film's treatment of filial piety, the need for respect, and our culture's abiding interest in the parallel moral universe of the Mafia.









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